Heroes of the Storm Wiki

Sappers are a type of minion found at the mercenary camps in the Towers of Doom battleground. They charge structures and explode, doing large amounts of damage. If a Sapper reaches the end of a lane, it will charge the enemy core for 1 point of damage.

It takes 120 seconds for their camp to respawn.


  • Sapper Defenders fire their attacks at target areas, instead of directly at Heroes. Sapper Explosion damage scales over time.
  • Laning Sappers have 100 Armor vs Structures while charging and Towers will ignore charging Sappers.


Patch changes[]

  • Patch (Patch December 12, 2017Note: Sapper Defenders: Now fire their attacks at target areas, instead of directly at Heroes. This behaves like the laning Sappers. Sapper Explosion damage now scales over time; Laning Sappers Health scaling increased by 33%; Respawn timer across all maps increased from 105 to 120 seconds; Laning Sappers now have 100 Armor vs Structures while charging and Towers will ignore charging Sappers.
  • Patch (Patch September 13, 2016Note: These camps respawn at a rate of 90 seconds.